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2020-02-25 11:28:31 -08:00
# Please don't modify this file as your changes might be overwritten with
# the next update.
# You can modify 'local.d/external_services.conf' to add and merge
# parameters defined inside this section
# You can modify 'override.d/external_services.conf' to strictly override all
# parameters defined inside this section
# See
# for details
# Module documentation can be found at
external_services {
oletools {
# If set force this action if any virus is found (default unset: no action is forced)
# action = "reject";
# If set, then rejection message is set to this value (mention single quotes)
# If `max_size` is set, messages > n bytes in size are not scanned
# max_size = 20000000;
# log_clean = true;
# servers = "";
# cache_expire = 86400;
# scan_mime_parts = true;
# extended = false;
# if `patterns` is specified virus name will be matched against provided regexes and the related
# symbol will be yielded if a match is found. If no match is found, default symbol is yielded.
patterns {
# symbol_name = "pattern";
# mime-part regex matching in content-type or filename
mime_parts_filter_regex {
#GEN1 = "application\/octet-stream";
DOC2 = "application\/msword";
DOC3 = "application\/vnd\.ms-word.*";
XLS = "application\/vnd\.ms-excel.*";
PPT = "application\/vnd\.ms-powerpoint.*";
GEN2 = "application\/vnd\.openxmlformats-officedocument.*";
# Mime-Part filename extension matching (no regex)
mime_parts_filter_ext {
doc = "doc";
dot = "dot";
docx = "docx";
dotx = "dotx";
docm = "docm";
dotm = "dotm";
xls = "xls";
xlt = "xlt";
xla = "xla";
xlsx = "xlsx";
xltx = "xltx";
xlsm = "xlsm";
xltm = "xltm";
xlam = "xlam";
xlsb = "xlsb";
ppt = "ppt";
pot = "pot";
pps = "pps";
ppa = "ppa";
pptx = "pptx";
potx = "potx";
ppsx = "ppsx";
ppam = "ppam";
pptm = "pptm";
potm = "potm";
ppsm = "ppsm";
# `whitelist` points to a map of IP addresses. Mail from these addresses is not scanned.
whitelist = "/etc/rspamd/antivirus.wl";
dcc {
# If set force this action if any virus is found (default unset: no action is forced)
# action = "reject";
# If set, then rejection message is set to this value (mention single quotes)
# If `max_size` is set, messages > n bytes in size are not scanned
max_size = 20000000;
#servers = "";
# if `patterns` is specified virus name will be matched against provided regexes and the related
# symbol will be yielded if a match is found. If no match is found, default symbol is yielded.
patterns {
# symbol_name = "pattern";
# `whitelist` points to a map of IP addresses. Mail from these addresses is not scanned.
whitelist = "/etc/rspamd/antivirus.wl";
.include(try=true,priority=5) "${DBDIR}/dynamic/external_services.conf"
.include(try=true,priority=1,duplicate=merge) "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/external_services.conf"
.include(try=true,priority=10) "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/override.d/external_services.conf"