# # Sample Configuration for Gitea using SQLite # # For information on the available settings, consult the online # documentation, or see the accompanying file app.ini.defaults, which # contains the settings incorporated into the gitea binary. # # This sample configuration runs Gitea with a local database. Before # running this configuration, make sure to change the INTERNAL_TOKEN, # JWT_SECRET, and SECRET_KEY variables. SECRET_KEY is a password of your # choosing, INTERNAL_TOKEN is a 64-byte random number in BASE64 encoding, # JWT_SECRET is a 32-byte random number in BASE64 encoding. # # Your can generate the token using for example: # openssl rand -base64 64 # # You can let Gitea add these to the config for you; you need to make # app.ini writeable by the git user. # # There are no pre-configured users; the first user to register becomes an # admin. In this sample configuration, the HTTP server only listens on # localhost. # # If you'd rather use the web-based installer, remove this conf/app.ini file # and make /usr/local/etc/gitea/conf writeable to the git user. APP_NAME = Gitea: Git with a cup of tea RUN_USER = git RUN_MODE = prod [database] DB_TYPE = sqlite3 HOST = NAME = gitea PASSWD = PATH = /var/db/gitea/gitea.db SSL_MODE = disable USER = root [indexer] ISSUE_INDEXER_PATH = /var/db/gitea/indexers/issues.bleve [log] ROOT_PATH = /var/log/gitea MODE = file LEVEL = Info [mailer] ENABLED = false [oauth2] JWT_SECRET = D56bmu6xCtEKs9vKKgMKnsa4X9FDwo64HVyaS4fQ4mY [picture] AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH = /var/db/gitea/data/avatars DISABLE_GRAVATAR = false ENABLE_FEDERATED_AVATAR = false [repository] ROOT = /var/db/gitea/gitea-repositories # Gitea's default is 'bash', so if you have bash installed, you can comment # this out. SCRIPT_TYPE = sh [repository.upload] TEMP_PATH = /var/db/gitea/data/tmp/uploads [security] INSTALL_LOCK = true INTERNAL_TOKEN = 1FFhAklka01JhgJTRUrFujWYiv4ijqcTIfXJ9o4n1fWxz+XVQdXhrqDTlsnD7fvz7gugdhgkx0FY2Lx6IBdPQw== SECRET_KEY = ChangeMeBeforeRunning [session] PROVIDER = file PROVIDER_CONFIG = /var/db/gitea/data/sessions [server] DOMAIN = localhost HTTP_ADDR = HTTP_PORT = 3000 ROOT_URL = http://localhost:3000/ DISABLE_SSH = false SSH_DOMAIN = %(DOMAIN)s SSH_PORT = 22 OFFLINE_MODE = false APP_DATA_PATH = /var/db/gitea/data [service] REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM = false ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL = false DISABLE_REGISTRATION = false ENABLE_CAPTCHA = true REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = false