ZPOOL="" SERVER="" PYTHON?=/usr/local/bin/python3.7 depends: @(pkg -vv | grep -e "url.*/latest") > /dev/null 2>&1 || (echo "It is advised pkg url is using \"latest\" instead of \"quarterly\" in /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf.";) @test -s ${PYTHON} || (echo "Python binary ${PYTHON} not found, iocage will install python37"; pkg install -q -y python37) pkg install -q -y py37-libzfs ${PYTHON} -m ensurepip ${PYTHON} -m pip install -Ur requirements.txt install: depends ${PYTHON} -m pip install -U . uninstall: ${PYTHON} -m pip uninstall -y iocage-lib iocage-cli test: pytest --zpool $(ZPOOL) --server $(SERVER) help: @echo " install" @echo " Installs iocage" @echo " uninstall" @echo " Removes iocage" @echo " test" @echo " Run unit tests with pytest"