# Copyright (c) 2018-2021, diyIT.org # All rights reserved. # # BSD 2-Clause License ("Simplified BSD License" or "FreeBSD License") # https://diyit.org/license/ # # groups: - name: Hardware alerts rules: - alert: Node_down expr: up{job="node_exporter"} == 0 for: 1m labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: "Node {{ $labels.instance }} is down" description: "Failed to scrape {{ $labels.job }} on {{ $labels.instance }} for more than 1 minute. Node seems down." - alert: High_cpu_util expr: node_load5{job="node_exporter"} > 6 for: 2m labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: "CPU {{ $labels.instance }} is high" description: "{{ $labels.job }} on {{ $labels.instance }} loaded more than 6 for more than 2 minute." - alert: High_disk_util expr: gstat_percent_busy{job="gstat"} > 90 for: 3m labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: "Disk {{ $labels.instance }} is loaded" description: "{{ $labels.job }} on {{ $labels.instance }} loaded more than 90% for more than 3 minute." - name: Probe alerts rules: - alert: Site_down expr: probe_success{job="web-diyit"} == 0 for: 1m labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: "Site {{ $labels.instance }} is down" description: "Failed to scrape {{ $labels.job }} on {{ $labels.instance }} for more than 1 minute. Site seems down."