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# Example Heyu configuration file. Copy this to file 'x10config' in
# directory $HOME/.heyu/ and modify as required. This example uses
# features which are new to heyu version 2
# and which will not be recognized by heyu version 1.xx.
# Note: This example file describes only a few of the most commom
# configuration directives. For the complete list see man page
# x10config(5).
# Anything on a line between a '#' character and the end of the line is
# treated as a comment and ignored by Heyu, as are blank lines.
# The various configuration directives in this file can be in any order
# except that ALIAS directives must appear before any other directive
# which references the alias label in place of a housecode|unit address.
# See 'man x10config' for additional information and directives.
# Serial port to which the CM11a is connected. Default is /dev/ttyS0.
tty /dev/ttyU0
check_ri_line NO
# If you have an X10 compatible RF receiver connected to a second
# serial port, use the TTY_AUX directive to specify the serial port
# and model of receiver. Supported receivers are W800RF32, MR26A,
# and RFXCOM. There are no defaults.
tty_aux /dev/ttyU1 MR26A
# The CM19A is both a receiver and transmitter for X10 RF signals.
# The MR26A is a receiver only.
# The CM19A is USB and the MR26A is serial port
# Base housecode. The default is A.
#housecode A
# Aliases:
# Format: ALIAS Label Housecode|Unitcode_string [Module_Type]
# The label is limited to 32 characters in length and is case-sensitive,
# e.g., Front_Porch and front_porch are treated as different labels.
# Each alias may reference a single unitcode or a multiple unitcode
# string (no embedded blanks), but is limited to one housecode.
# The optional Module_Type is the general type or specific model number
# of a module currently supported by Heyu. (Knowing the characteristics
# of a module allows Heyu to track changes in its On/Off/Dim state
# as X10 signals are sent or received.) The most commonly used modules
# are the standard X10 lamp module (StdLM) and standard X10 appliance
# module (StdAM). Other modules currently supported by Heyu are listed
# in x10config(5). A standard X10 lamp module (StdLM) is the
# default (changeable with the DEFAULT_MODULE directive)
# for housecode|units which are not defined in an alias directive.
# A module_type should normally not be defined for mutiple-unit
# aliases, just for the single-unit aliases. (The module characteristics
# are associated with the housecode|unit, however referenced.)
# Some examples:
# Note: Prior versions of Heyu used a different format for
# aliases - no ALIAS directive and the Housecode and Unitcode_string
# were separated by a space, e.g., simply:
# front_porch A 1
# Heyu will continue to accept this older format for compatibility,
# but its use is discouraged as modules cannot be specified.
# Scenes and Usersyns (User-defined synonyms):
# Format: SCENE Label Command1 <args> [; Command2 <args> [; ...
# Format: USERSYN Label Command1 <args> [; Command2 <args> [; ...
# The label is limited to 32 characters and is case-sensitive.
# Scenes and Usersyns are both semicolon-separated lists of
# commands with their arguments which can be executed or used
# in macros as if their labels were ordinary Heyu commands.
# See 'man x10config' for the features and limitations of Scenes
# and Usersyns.
# (In the current version of heyu, the ONLY distinction between
# scenes and usersyns is the 'show' menus in which they appear.)
# Some examples:
SCENE blinker on D5; off D5; on D5; off D5
#USERSYN normal_lights on front_porch; on back_porch
#SCENE tv_on on tv_set; dimb living_room 10
# parameters, e.g., $1, $2, which are replaced by actual
# parameters supplied when the scene/usersyn is run.
#USERSYN night_lights dimb front_porch $1; dimb back_porch $1
# Define the (writeable) directory where the Heyu state engine daemon
# (started with 'heyu engine') is to write its log file 'heyu.log.<tty>'.
# The default is 'NONE', indicating no log file is to be written.
log_dir /usr/local/etc/heyu/log
# The entries in the log file are similar to those which appear in
# the heyu monitor, but in addition will include an entry when
# a script is launched, and unless redirected elsewhere, any
# text output from that script.
# Note that the log file will continue to grow. Manually delete
# or trim it from time to time, or configure a Unix utility like
# 'logrotate' to manage this task automatically.
# If the Heyu state engine is running, Heyu can launch scripts
# (or any Unix commands) when it sees specified X10 signals.
# The format is:
#SCRIPT [ -l label ] <launch conditions> :: [options] <command line>
# where label is an optional label, <launch conditions> tell
# Heyu under what conditions to launch the script, and
# <command line> is the script command to be executed.
# The '::' (two colons) separator is mandatory since the launch
# conditions can be quite complex.
# See x10scripts(5) for details, but here's a simple example
# (with no label):
#SCRIPT doorbell on :: play $HOME/sounds/barking_dog.wav
# Users have the option of running either 'heyuhelper' in a manner
# similar to heyu 1.35 or general scripts as above with the
# following directive. The default is SCRIPTS, to run general scripts.
#script_mode SCRIPTS
# (With the choice 'HEYUHELPER', a script named 'heyuhelper' on
# the user's path is run every time any X10 signal is received
# by heyu over the power line, assuming the heyu state engine
# daemon is running.)
### The following directives apply when a schedule is ###
### is uploaded to the CM11A interface. ###
# The file name of the user's X10 schedule file in the Heyu base
# directory. The default is 'x10.sched'. If you regularly use
# more than one, list them here and just comment/uncomment as
# appropriate, e.g.,
#schedule_file x10.sched
#schedule_file normal.sched
#schedule_file vacation.sched
# The MODE directive - Heyu's two modes of operation:
# In the default COMPATIBLE mode, the schedule uploaded to the
# interface is configured to begin on Jan 1st of the current
# year and # is valid for 366 days - through Dec 31st of the
# current # year or Jan 1st of the following year, depending
# whether # the current year is a leap or common year.
# COMPATIBLE mode is the default.
# In HEYU mode the schedule uploaded to the interface is
# configured to begin on today's date and is valid for
# the number days of provided by the PROGRAM_DAYS directive.
# WARNING: The mere execution of X10's ActiveHome(tm) program
# under MS-Windows, or having its resident driver running, when
# the interface has been programmed by Heyu in HEYU mode can
# cause problems. See 'man x10config' for details.
# Number of days for which the interface is to be programmed
# when running in HEYU mode. It is ignored in COMPATIBLE mode.
# (A shorter period can yield more accurate values for dawn
# and dusk.) The default is 366 days.
#program_days 366
# Should Heyu combine events having the same date range, time, etc.,
# by concatenating the macros for similar events? The default is YES.
#combine_events YES
# Should Heyu compress uploaded macros by combining unit codes for the same
#housecode and command and eliminating duplicates? E.g.,
# (on A1; on B2; on A3, on B2) ==> (on A1,3; on B2)
# The default is NO
#compress_macros NO
# The user's Longitude and Latitude, needed for dawn/dusk calculations.
# There are no defaults. Don't use these examples - put in values
# for your own location.
longitude W121:46
latitude N37:16
# For dawn/dusk related times, Heyu breaks up the schedule date intervals
# into subintervals, each with a constant value of dawn or dusk time.
# These directives instruct Heyu what value of dawn/dusk time to use.
# The default value is FIRST, i.e., that on the first day of the subinterval,
# which is most convenient for comparing Heyu's computations with actual.
#dawn_option FIRST
#dusk_option FIRST
# The following times allow bounds to be placed on the times of Dawn
# and Dusk computed by Heyu. For example, setting the value for
#min_dawn to 06:30 will ensure that an event scheduled to be
# executed at Dawn will occur at 06:30 during summer hours whenever
# the actual computed value of Dawn is earlier than that time.
# The value for these directives are specified as hh:mm Legal
# (i.e., wall-clock) time, or the directives may be disabled with
# the word OFF, which is the default.
# Timer options DAWNLT, DAWNGT, DUSKLT, DUSKGT used in the Heyu
# schedule file will usually eliminate the need for these directives.
# See man page x10sched(5) for details.
#min_dawn OFF
#max_dawn OFF
#min_dusk OFF
#max_dusk OFF
# Directory to write reports and files other than the critical files
# The default is to write them in the Heyu base directory.
#report_path ./
# Replace events having delayed macros with new events and new
# undelayed macros when possible. (The purpose is to avoid pending
# delayed macros, which are purged when a new schedule is uploaded.)
# The default is YES.
#repl_delayed_macros YES
# For test purposes, Heyu can write some additional files when
# the command 'heyu upload check' is executed. This directive
# instructs Heyu to write these files. The default is NO.
#write_check_files NO
alias Kitchen D1 StdLM
alias Family_Room D2 StdLM
alias Hallway D3 StdLM
alias Kitchen_Table D4 StdLM
alias Stairway D5 StdLM
alias Study D6 StdLM
alias Dining D7 StdLM
alias Bonus_Room D8 StdLM
alias Living_Room_L0 D9 StdLM
alias Front_Door D10 StdLM
alias Living_Room_L1 D11 StdLM
alias Living_Room_L2 D12 StdLM
alias Piano_Room_L1 D13 StdLM
alias Piano_Room_L2 D14 StdLM
alias Family_Room_L0 D15 StdLM
alias Chime G1 StdAM
alias Main_Garage G2 StdAM
alias Side_Garage G3 StdAM
alias Front_Yard G13 StdLM
alias Back_Yard G14 StdLM
alias Plants_front_house I1 RAIN8II
alias Plants_front_road I2 RAIN8II
alias Lawn_front_road I3 RAIN8II
alias Lawn_front_garage I4 RAIN8II
alias Lawn_back_pool I5 RAIN8II
alias Lawn_back_house I6 RAIN8II
alias Plants_back_garage I7 RAIN8II
alias Plants_back_road I8 RAIN8II